Public Finance

Analysis of your development project

We proceed to a profound analysis of your project regarding financial, technical, economic and social aspects in order to set up a real financial strategy and to determine what kind of grants could be applied to. We give you a first overview of the different possibilities for public financing as well as their specificities (criteria, delays, …)

Research and overview of the different public grants

We launch a dedicated research to identify the local, regional, national and European funding possibilities corresponding to your specific project. 


These financial possibilities cover mainly public funding such as :

  • grants,

  • refundable advances,

  • calls for projects

In some cases it is also possible to benefit from private funding like :

  • revitalization funds,
  • loans on trust and
  • specific endowment funds.

Connecting with the french administration, drafting and follow-up of the grant application

We are well introduced within French public administration at all levels (local, regional and national) and therefore are able to identify the right partners for your project. That allows you to save a lot of time since we put you in direct contact with them. We assure the follow-up of these contacts as well as the instruction of your demand for public funding and the final payment of the funds.

Thourough knowledge of the french public grant system and its specificities

Our expertise in public funding allows us to give you the right advice regarding the different public grants and thereby to optimize the financial structure of your project. Since regulation of public aid is very complex and criteria are multiple, we help you by editing your demand, guiding you through administrative complexity, and hereby make your demand successful. 

Customized service, results-driven approach

Our value-proposition consists in assisting you in all steps of your project, starting from understanding the specific needs of your project to the payment of the funds. We operate throughout France and our service is intended for any company or organisation setting up a project in France (creation, development, extension …) in any sector

Additional services and assistance

Within RFN we are ready to assist you with all the issues regarding your development in France  : accountancy, legal advice and payroll and HR assistance.

Talk to our finance experts?

We are all ears when it comes to listening to your projects.